Forest Park PTO
Empowering students, parents, teachers, and community at Forest Park School District 91.
The mission of the Forest Park PTO is to foster and nurture close relationships that support the school curriculum by empowering the students, parents, teachers and community at all FPSD91 schools. Develop a closer connection between school and home by encouraging parent involvement, and to improve the FPSD91 environment through volunteer and financial support. Support and encourage programming that highlights and promotes the rich diversity and cultural differences of our school community.
FACEBOOK PAGE: @forestpark91pto
What is Forest Park PTO?
A team of parents who believe good schools become great schools when parents and teachers connect. We are connecting families of students who attend Forest Park School District 91.
Membership: Membership is automatically granted to all parents and guardians of FPSD91 students, plus all staff. There are no membership dues. Members have voting privileges for the annual Forest Park PTO Board election in March, one vote per household. All members receive Forest Park PTO communication unless specifically opting out.