Homebound Tutoring

Homebound Tutoring

Home/Hospital services are provided to a student when a licensed medical physician determines that the student will or is anticipated to, due to a medical condition, be out of school for a minimum of two consecutive weeks of school (10 days) on an ongoing, intermittent basis.  

What does "ongoing, intermittent basis" mean?

An "ongoing intermittent basis" means the student's medical condition is of such nature or severity that it is anticipated the student will be absent from school due to the medical condition at least 2 consecutive days multiple times during the school year, totaling at least 10 days of absences.

Physician's Certification Information

The below information must be included in a physician's certification for home/hospital instruction:

  • Student's name and date of birth

  • Physician's name and contact information

  • Be completed by a physician licensed to practice medicine in all its branches

  • Specify the student's current medical condition

  • Describe the impact of the student's medical condition on his/her ability to participate in education (including physical and mental level of tolerance for school)

  • State anticipated duration or nature of the student's absence from school

  • State whether there is any reason the student cannot receive 5 or more hours of home instruction per week, and if so, why

  • Physician's signature and date


Please contact dmekhiel@fpsd91.org for more information on Homebound Tutoring.