District 91 Overview
We Value Each and Every Student
District 91 believes students are more likely to succeed when they receive personalized attention from their teachers. With important advantages of small classes across all grade levels and cutting-edge educational resources, and an unwavering dedication to the belief that every child has the right to a quality education, we offer an exceptional experience that combines the challenge of innovative instruction with teachers and support staff who build nurturing relationships with their students.
Valuing the Individual Student
Personalized Attention: Teachers and support staff give their students the individual attention they deserve and take an active interest in their success.
Small Class Size: With an average class size of 16, District 91 teachers can provide a unique educational experience every single day.
Small School District: Being a small school district with less than 800 students mean we not only know every student by name, we also know their parents.
Unparalleled Opportunities to Learn
Dedicated Teachers and Staff: Promoting personal growth through ongoing, job-embedded professional development opportunities mean teachers and support staff take their learning directly into the classroom.
Innovative Instruction: Combining inquiry and project-based learning strategies with the wise use of technology in the classroom maximizes learning potential for all students.
Advanced Technology: Cutting-edge personal and classroom technology (every child has their own Chrome book) enables our students to capture, connect and reflect upon life-changing ideas, feelings, images and questions.